Charles P. Rogers Organic Cotton Sheets – People Love Them!

Post by Kyle St. Romain.

I am fortunate enough to have a set of Charles P Rogers sheets. They are one of my all time favorite sheets, and it’s not just because I write for Charles Rogers.  The sheets wash well, and the colors haven’t faded a bit. I’m actually a bit surprised since there are many weeks we wash them and put them right back on the bed. We like them so much because of their combination of softness and breathability. The bottom line is they are one of the best values in sheets I’ve found yet, and I’d definitely pay more than the current asking price for a set and still feel like I was getting a deal. My only regret is, that I didn’t go for the organic cotton sheets; apparently they’re the cat’s pajamas. Don’t take my word for it though.

Beth Bucynski of GreenUpgrader recently reviewed a set of Charles P Rogers organic cotton sheets. Follow the link to find out what she thought (spoiler alert: she loved them).

So, why organic?

Given the amount of chemicals and toxins we encounter every day, organic sheets should be a no brainer. Most people are worried about spending 10 minutes in a closed room with open paint, yet they’ll spend 8 or more hours every day sleeping between sheets of unknown origin dyed with who knows what. Which do you think is worse for you over time? Choose your sheets wisely.

Sheets start with the cotton, and Charles P Rogers’ organic sheets use cotton that is organically grown using low impact farming and harvesting methods. They are also made at a 300-thread count, which perfectly balances luxury with longevity.

If you’d like to read more about Charles P. Rogers sheets, you can also check out our interview with Sally Painter of LoveToKnow. You’ll get to read a little more about what makes our sheet so great, and why we make them the way we do.

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One Response to Charles P. Rogers Organic Cotton Sheets – People Love Them!

  1. Grace M says:

    Great review, Kyle! Your emphasis on the benefits of organic cotton is essential. Thanks for sharing your experience!
    Your readers may find valuable information on the benefits of organic cotton at:

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