Tag Archives: Oregon Field Guide

Movies in Bed: Oregon Field Guide

Post by Mark T. Locker.

Okay, I know that this is a very regionalist show to be writing about. But maybe your neck of the woods has a similar show. I am also using this as an excuse to celebrate the new development that PBS now has a channel on Roku! (Really, I’m not paid to sponsor them; I consider it poor man’s cable so any new developments are noteworthy to me.) What’s great is that all the nationally broadcast shows are available any time for DVR-less folk such as myself as well as local programming! For me, this means Oregon Field Guide.

OFG is one of those shows for me that is like a big comfy blanket you wrap around yourself to feel safe. If the outside world is too noisy and stressful, watch a piece about Oregon’s brown pelican population, or the oak prairies of the Willamette Valley. Watch people canoe in the sun. It’s lovely. They also address a lot of important issues, such as invasive species and habitat destruction. These are hot-button issues in Oregon.

If you live outside of Oregon, you really ought to see if there is a similar program in your area. Otherwise, you can go to OPB.org and stream some episodes from the comfort of your own big comfy blanket.

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