Tag Archives: Vacation
Things We Like: Weekend Getaways
Post by Kyle St. Romain.
A weekend getaway, wherever it may be, can be just what you need to rejuvenate your mind and body. Going somewhere new does wonders for the spirit. New sights, new foods, new people, and a break from the mundane are all selling points in my book. Don’t take my word for it though; there have been a number of studies that all show that people who go on vacations live healthier and happier lives. Vacationers are more resilient to stress, and are more productive at work. Sound like something you could benefit from? It does to me.
A couple weekends ago I was fortunate enough to partake in a weekend trip to Napa Valley, and I definitely feel like my life is a little better for having done so.
For wine lovers, a trip to Napa is somewhat of a pilgrimage. Nowhere else in the world can you find such a concentration of vineyards. While I definitely have a lot to learn about wine (and the more I learn, the more I realize I don’t know), driving along Highway 29 is truly awe-inspiring. You’re sure to pass by wineries that you’re familiar with, or have at least heard of. It’s very cool to see where so many grapes are born, raised, and transformed into wines that are enjoyed throughout the world.
Even if you are not very interested in wine, the beauty of Napa is that is has something to offer just about everyone. The area is home to some of the most renowned restaurants, luxurious spas, and wide open spaces — which is a luxury in itself for those of us looking to get away from the congestion of city life.
I don’t know what it is, but I always sleep better on vacation. Usually exhausted from a day of adventure, I wake up looking forward to everything a new day offers. Good sleep also seems to follow me home, which is probably a symptom of recovering from all the excitement. With the end of 2013 quickly coming to a close, don’t let your vacation days go to waste this year. Instead, use them to go somewhere new to recharge your batteries and get a fresh perspective. You’re sure to feel better for it.
Things We Like: Island Time
Post by Kyle St. Romain.
I recently returned from a trip to Hawaii, and it was better than I could have ever hoped. Living in Southern California isn’t all bad, but it doesn’t compare to the natural beauty that Hawaii has to offer: warm, clear, emerald waters; exotic beaches; ample sunshine; fresh produce; and, most importantly, island time. All of these ingredients, and more, are what help make Hawaii a little slice of paradise where you can let your worries drift away.
What Is Island Time?
Understandably, the concept of island time can be hard to grasp if you haven’t experienced it. That said the basic idea of island time is that when you’re on an island, surrounded by the gentle rhythms of the ocean, time slows down.
On the islands, people don’t seem to be in as much of a hurry, and things happen when they happen. Traffic amounts to getting stuck at one of the few stop lights, and the idea of island time even seems to be a legitimate excuse for running late — at least for tourists. Island time is a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of city life, which is probably what makes it such a treat for vacationers.
When you’re on island time, you can do all the things you love at your own pace. Even if you’re only set on soaking up some Vitamin D and watching the tide come in.
Island Time Helps You Reconnect With Nature
For me, a large part of the magic of island time is due to a stronger connection with nature. On island time, the sun decides the length of the day, which starts when the sun comes up, and ends shortly after it goes down. In fact, one of the evening rituals we grew to love was watching the sun slip below the horizon, hoping to catch a glimpse of the coveted “green flash.” Looking out over the endless ocean helps bring some perspective to life, giving you a better sense of what really matters.
Island Time Helps You Sleep Better
Ben Franklin says it best: “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” While I’m still working on the wealthy and wise part, the practice has certainly made me feel healthier in just a couple short weeks. Back on the mainland, the adage goes more like, “Late to bed and early to rise, makes a man tired, grumpy, and unwise.” Such is life.
Adding to the relaxing effect of island time are the island sounds, especially those near the coast like the sound of the waves crashing onshore. To me, this is the best way to fall asleep and is an environment I one day plan to make more permanent.
The idea of island time can mean a lot of things to different people and not everyone enjoys it the same. So, what do you think about island time? Do you prefer the amenities and activities of city life, or do you too yearn for a slower-paced, more relaxed lifestyle? Maybe the contrast of island time and city time is a story of yin and yang, and the two need to exist in balance with each other. Let us know what you think in the comments below.
If you’re interested to see more photos from my travels, feel free to check out my Hawaii set on Flickr. I think some of them really came out great!