Tag Archives: Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
Movies in Bed: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Post by Mark T. Locker.
If you are a regular reader of my posts you will know that we recently read the classic children’s novel The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. I figured this was a great opportunity to introduce my son to the concept of, “that’s not how it happened in the book!” Well, it turns out his dad is a more critical viewer than he is. I still have memories of being soooo irritated when the movie came out. I didn’t remember the book well enough to have strong feelings about its trueness to the book. But I do remember that it seemed to really, REALLY want to be The Lord of the Rings. LOTR it ain’t. And the sweeping shots of the beavers and children walking over fields is just not the same as the sweeping shots of men, dwarves, and elves walking on mountainous ridges. Sorry, whoever directed this movie.
If you ask my boy, he will tell you that he liked the movie. But he will also tell you that his favorite part of the book is SPOILER ALERT the part where Aslan comes back to life and Lucy and Susan and Aslan wrestle and play in the grass in the morning. It is a beautiful scene, one which was not included in the movie, presumably to make more time for sweeping shots of beavers walking across the grass or of lots of monsters battling. That said, it’s surely better than the live-action Cat in the Hat movie or a Barney marathon. There is a lot of violence thanks to the extended battle scene, but none of it is bloody.There are worst ways to spend a weekend evening.