Post by Tracy Kaler.
Another year has come and gone, so now’s your chance to start on the right foot and make 2017 the best year yet. Since sleep plays a significant role in well-being, beginning the new year with health and wellness goals is an excellent idea. Read on for five essential yet easy sleep resolutions you can make and keep in the new year.
Stick to a sleep schedule.
Going to bed at the same time every evening is one way to encourage a better night’s sleep. Your body might be craving more of a routine, and sticking to a schedule is one way of giving your body what it needs.
Leave tech out of the bedroom.
Leave television watching, cell phones, and iPads to your living room, family room, den, or kitchen. Keep the bedroom for rest. Need some distraction to fall asleep? Try reading a book, magazine, or anything in print.
Exercise more.
Exercising in the morning or early evening will tucker you out and prompt restful sleep. Besides better sleep habits, you might lose a few pounds in the process.
Make the bed every morning.
Making your bed is a surefire way to have a productive day, whether you’re working at the office or enjoying a day off. Get used to straightening the bed and bedroom daily.
Cut back on caffeine.
Caffeine after 12 pm has been proven to cause enough stimulation to interrupt sleep. Save the coffee drinking for the morning hours and opt for decaffeinated beverages after lunch and before bed.
Cheers to sweet dreams in 2017!